Multi-hop anchor initiliazer


The multi-hop anchor initializer Allows for a set of ranges between anchors (fixed tags) to be translated in a relative coordinate system of the

Principles of Multi-hop anchor initializer

The Multi-hop anchor initializer algorithm is rooted in the idea of gradually incorporating anchors, considering both the existing anchor nodes’ positions and the available ranges with a prospective anchor node. In broad terms, it involves the following procedural steps:

  1. Acquire ranges between anchors
  2. Determine the position of at least three anchor nodes manually
  3. Select an anchor to be positioned
  4. Solve the position problem
  5. Repeat step 3-4 until no more anchors can be added

Advantages of Multi-hop anchor initializer

  1. Reduced installation time
  2. Robust results in Line-of-Sight (LoS) conditions
  3. Scability
input: Set of ranges between anchors, position of n > 2 anchors
output: Set of 2D anchor positions 

Supported languages

  1. Python

Supported hardware

This algorithm is meant to be runned in the cloud* and therefore supports every hardware which enables to determine the ranges between anchors.

*By “in the cloud,” we mean it’s not designed for embedded hardware.