
Our demo-kit allows you to experience the next steps of ultra-wideband (UWB) technology, namely, single anchor localization and vital-sign monitoring. Both demos run on off-the-shelf DW3000 chips.

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Single-Anchor Localization

The first application of our demo-kit is the Single-Anchor Localization demo, where it is possible to precisely localize a device using UWB technology with only one fixed anchor node. While the demo itself is designed to localize a single tag, it’s important to note that our solutions support tracking multiple tags. Such single-anchor node solutions are especially relevant for environments with many obstacles (where multiple anchor nodes cannot reach the tag), reduce low-cost deployments., since fewer anchors are needed to deploy a localization system. Furthermore, operational cost is reduced as well in the case battery-powered anchors are used.

Vital Sign Monitoring

The second application of our demo-kit is vital sign monitoring using UWB radar technology. UWB radio can be used to track vital signs such as breathing rate and hearthrate in real time.The utilization of ultra-wideband (UWB) technology for vital sign monitoring offers a multitude of benefits. UWB is a non-intrusive wireless technology which eliminates the necessity for wearable devices to monitor an individual, a feature particularly beneficial for the elderly population. Its ability to work through clothes and in dark conditions allows monitoring in diverse situations.

Our demo-kit is can tract subtle chest movements and translate these to a breathing rate.

For a more detailed explanation of the UWB radar technology, please refer to our UWB Academy documentation on UWB Radar Technology.


our demo-kit demonstrates versatile and cost-effective solutions for the existing UWB fields, namely, the field of (indoor) localization. Moreover, this demo shows that previously untaught problems can be tackled by using UWB as well, like, vital sign monitoring.

Our demo-kit is ready for pre-order, if you want to pre-order or get some more information contact us by clicking the button below.

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